
Step Into Your Power with One-on-One Coaching

"I'm on fire to awaken and ignite the authentic feminine power of as many women as I can." --Bonny R.

Bonny is a Self-Leadership Coach, Energy Healer & Storyteller helping women connect with their inner wisdom and authentic feminine power to create the life of their dreams!

By cultivating more presence and shifting into self-leadership, you'll heal your energy, shift your story, and become aligned with your soul and Source!

Get Started With A Discovery Call Today


Question 1 of 7

Your Name:

Question 2 of 7


Question 3 of 7

If you are self-employed or a business owner, how long have you been in business?

Question 4 of 7

What's your business website?

Question 5 of 7

Do you have previous experience with one-on-one or group coaching? Y/N

If yes, when and for how long?

Question 6 of 7

Do you have previous experience with business or spiritual development programs (examples: Tony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within, etc)? Y/N

If yes, which one(s)? 

Question 7 of 7

What is your biggest pain point? What are you hoping to transform through coaching? 

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